12 research outputs found

    Scientific investigations in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea during the 1974-1975 Calypso cruise, parts 1 and 2

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    The distribution and concentrations of the standing crop of phytoplankton and nutrient salts in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea were investigated to provide ground truth for correlating temperature and chlorophyll-a measurements with observations from NASA U-2 aircraft equipped with specially designed sensors for measuring ocean color phenomena. The physical, chemical, and biological data obtained is summarized. Sampling procedures and methods used for determining plant pigments, species composition of phytoplankton, nutrient salt analysis, and the euphotic zones are described

    Unveiling the therapeutic potential of exogenous β-hydroxybutyrate for chronic colitis in rats: novel insights on autophagy, apoptosis, and pyroptosis

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic relapsing inflammatory disease of the colorectal area that demonstrates a dramatically increasing incidence worldwide. This study provides novel insights into the capacity of the exogenous β-hydroxybutyrate and ketogenic diet (KD) consumption to alleviate dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced UC in rats. Remarkably, both interventions attenuated disease activity and colon weight-to-length ratio, and improved macro and microstructures of the damaged colon. Importantly, both β-hydroxybutyrate and KD curbed the DSS-induced aberrant NLRP3 inflammasome activation as observed in mRNA and protein expression analysis. Additionally, inhibition of the NLRP3/NGSDMD-mediated pyroptosis was detected in response to both regimens. In parallel, these modalities attenuated caspase-1 and its associated consequences of IL-1β and IL-18 overproduction. They also mitigated apoptosis as indicated by the inactivation of caspase-3. The anti-inflammatory effects of BHB and KD were confirmed by the reported decline in the levels of inflammatory markers including MPO, NFκB, IL-6, and TNF-α. Moreover, these interventions exhibited antioxidative properties by reducing ROS production and improving antioxidative enzymes. Their effectiveness in mitigating UC was also evident in the renovation of normal intestinal epithelial barrier function, as shown by correcting the discrepancies in the levels of tight junction proteins ZO-1, OCLN, and CLDN5. Furthermore, their effects on the intestinal microbiota homeostasis were investigated. In terms of autophagy, exogenous β-hydroxybutyrate upregulated BECN-1 and downregulated p62, which may account for its superiority over KD in attenuating colonic damage. In conclusion, this study provides experimental evidence supporting the potential therapeutic use of β-hydroxybutyrate or β-hydroxybutyrate-boosting regimens in UC

    الإنتاجية العضوية الأولية لبحيرة المنزلة المصرية مقدرة بالكربون المشع

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    The hydrographical and chemical conditions of Lake Manzalah, Egypt, are influenced by the surging in of saline water from the Mediterranean sea and are by no means stable. The average of the parameters studied during the month of February 1976 were as follows: chlorosity 0.957g/l, pH 7.82, dissolved oxygen 8.572 ppm, total alkalinity 204 ppm, and average productivity 182.5 gC/m3^! (98.7).تعتبر بحيرة المنزلة من أكبر واهم البحيرات المصرية اذ ينتج منها حوالي 50 بالمائة من كمية الاسماك المصادة في مصر . وتبلغ مساحة البحيرة حوالي 1200 كيلو متر مربع ومتوسط عمقها يبلغ 120 سم . ونتيجة لاتصال البحيرة بكل من البحرين الأحمر والمتوسط واحاطتها بالأراضي الزراعية لذلك فالظروف البيئية في البحيرة تختلف من وقت لآخر نتيجة لتدفق المياه المالحة اليها من البحر المتوسط وكذلك مياه الصرف من الاراضي الزراعية المجاورة لها . وبالرغم من أهمية هذه البحيرة للمصايد المصرية الا ان نصيبها من الدراسات العلمية الخاصة بالعلوم البحرية كان محدودا جدا . لذلك فهذا البحث يهدف الى دراسة الظروف البيئية والانتاجية العضوية الاولية لهذه البحيرة كخطوة اولى نحو اجراء دراسة بيئية متكاملة عليها . وقد استخدمت الطرق العلمية القياسية لقياس بعض العوامل الفيزيائية والكيميائية وكذلك استخدام الكربون المشع لقياس الانتاجية العضوية الاولية للبحيرة . وقد اظهرت نتائج البحث ان الكلورة 0.957 جرام /لتر وان تركيز ايون الايدروجين هو 7.82 وان تركيز الاكسجين الذائب في الماء هو 8.572 جزء في المليون وان القلوية الكلية هي 204 جزء في المليون . ولكنه يجب الاخذ في الاعتبار ان جميع القياسات السابقة تتغير في حدود ضيقة من وقت لآخر تبعا للظروف المناخية . وقد اظهرت نتائج تحليل 253 عينة معالجة بالكربون المشع وكذلك عينات الاكسجين الذائب ان متوسط الانتاجية العضوية لهذه البحيرة يبلغ حوالي 182.5 ملليجرام من الكربون /م 3/الساعة - مما يدل على ان البحيرة المذكورة تعتبر من البحيرات العالمية وفيرة الانتاجية مما يحتم زيادة الاهتمام بها من الناحية العلمية والاقتصادية ومقاومة اية محاولة لتغيير بيئتها او تجفيف اجزاء منها

    Preparation of new surface coating based on modified oil-based polymers blended with ZnO and CuZnO NPs for steel protection

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    Abstract In our paper, we have synthesized modified PEA and alkyd resin by replacing the new source of polyol (SDEA) which was confirmed by different analyses such as IR, and 1HNMR spectra. A series of conformal, novel, low-cost, and eco-friendly hyperbranched modified alkyd and PEA resins were fabricated with bio ZnO, CuO/ZnO) NPs through an ex-situ method for mechanical and anticorrosive coatings. The synthesized biometal oxides NPs and its composite modified alkyd and PEA were confirmed by FTIR, SEM with EDEX, TEM, and TGA, and can be stably dispersed into modified alkyd and PEA resins at a low weight fraction of 1%. The nanocomposite coating was also subjected to various tests to determine their surface adhesion, which ranged from (4B-5B), physico-mechanical characteristics such as scratch hardness, which improved from  2 kg, gloss (100–135) Specific gravity (0.92–0.96) and also chemical resistance test which passed for water, acid, and solvent except alkali, was poor because of the hydrolyzable ester group in the alkyd and PEA resins. The anti-corrosive features of the nanocomposites were investigated through salt spray tests in 5 wt % NaCl. The results indicate that well-dispersed bio ZnO and CuO/ZnO) NPs (1.0%) in the interior of the hyperbranched alkyd and PEA matrix improve the durability and anticorrosive attributes of the composites, such as degree of rusting, which ranged from 5 to 9, blistering size ranged from 6 to 9, and finally, scribe failure, which ranged from 6 to 9 mm. Thus, they exhibit potential applications in eco- friendly surface coatings. The anticorrosion mechanisms of the nanocomposite alkyd and PEA coating were attributed to the synergistic effect of bio ZnO and (CuO/ZnO) NPs and the prepared modified resins are highly rich in nitrogen elements, which might be regarded as a physical barrier layer for steel substrates